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  • EMC

    Data Center Storage and Replication

    Limited bandwidth, high latency, and dropped and out-of-order packets can slow data replication across a WAN to a crawl, or prevent it from happening entirely. EMC uses Silver Peak replication acceleration to address these issues, enabling more data to be transferred in less time between geographically dispersed locations.

    Silver Peak appliances prevent transfer times from falling behind cycle times and eliminate the need to spend significant amounts on WAN bandwidth to accommodate peak workloads. As a result, the combined EMC/Silver Peak solution is essential for enterprises with stringent Recovery Point and Time Objectives (RPO/RTO).

    For more information, email

    Joint Benefits

    • Meet Recovery Point Objectives (RPO) – Replicate more data in less time to remote offsite locations.
    • Replicate over longer distances - Eliminate distance limitations between source/target devices.
    • Improve business continuity – Maintain redundant data center(s) for hot failover.
    • Lower disaster recovery costs - Eliminate costly dedicated networks for replication and avoid bandwidth upgrades.